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Ribbon Blender (MH200 -2200)


Blenders are used for the mixing of powders, pastes and liquids , and are key equipment in the production of chemicals, foods, drugs, medicines, cosmetics, plastics, cleaning compounds, dyes, adhesives, fertilizers, insecticides, animal feeds and scores of other products.
The agitator of the ribbon blender consists of outer and inner spiral ribbons supports on a shaft which runs longitudinally through the center of the blender tank the arrangement of these ribbons provides a triple mixing action. first , as the agitator rotates, the material is tumbled and carried rapidly to the inside of the blender. secondly pitch of the outer ribbon moves the material toward the discrage opening . Thirdly, the inner ribbon which has an opposing pitch moves the material away from the discrage opening.

Power consumption: 1.5-40 KV

Volume: 50-2000 LIT

Weight of machine: 20-3000 kg

Copyright (C) Karasanat co. Unit 8 no 7,Momtaz alley, Ghaem magham farahani , Tehran/Iran 
 Phone: +98(21)88843702-88837278 Factory:+98(21)44922700-1 ,Fax: 88343269 Factory: 44923326